Knock-Knock workshops for 2021-2022 school year

Knock-Knock workshops for 2021-2022 school year

English-language workshops

Sign-ups are now open for our 2021-2022 Knock-Knock English-language workshops! We offer these workshops for young EFL (English Foreign Language) children in grades Pre-K to 5th grade not enrolled at École Jeannine Manuel, using our school’s copyrighted interactive and audiovisual method called Knock-Knock™. This method, developed by our founder Jeannine Manuel, uses storytelling with the vocabulary and syntax used by native English speakers in the same age groups.


Paris 15ème

15 Rue Edgard-Faure



From 2 to 4pm


€1720 TTC

For the whole school year

Find out more

See flyer



Children are assigned to small groups depending on their age and English level.  Each Wednesday afternoon workshop includes a 1-hour session using the Knock-Knock™ method, followed by another hour of artistic or other recreational activity. Want to know more? Click the button below to get in touch!


Photo d'un élève de primaire en cours à l'École Jeannine Manuel de Lille

A Jeannine Manuel Academy program

Logo animé de la Jeannine Manuel Academy